Sunday English Gatherings
Whether it is in-person or online, we’d love for you to join one of our Sunday Gatherings.

Whether it is in-person or online, we’d love for you to join one of our Sunday Gatherings.
Every Sunday we gather to listen to the Word, sing praises to God and talk to him in prayer to help one another move towards King Jesus.
Our three Sunday English gatherings bring people from all different backgrounds and stages in life. Our gatherings are centred around expository bible teaching and includes singing the Word with both traditional hymns and contemporary songs. Everyone is welcome!
The same sermon is usually preached at all 3 English Gatherings. You will need to book a ticket to join our in-person gatherings.
Our online livestream premieres only at 8.30am and 10.45am. You can watch it live or on-demand until the end of the week.
This is a world ruined by human rebellion, where evil, mess and death permeate. And yet, God promises to restore things through one man, Abraham, and his offspring. This is how the book of Genesis starts. It is a beginning waiting for an end. In Genesis 25:19-36:43, this promise unfolds through one of Abraham’s offspring, Jacob. These chapters anchor God’s agenda, stress the complications, and let us into what it means to live under God’s promise in a ruined world. So come join us to see how God works out his promise for the world then and even now.
We love to sing songs that are theologically full and biblically rich—songs that teach about what God has done in Jesus Christ. We want the word of Christ to dwell in us richly as we sing with thankfulness in our hearts to God (Colossians 3:16).
Download the calendar overview of our current sermon series at Bukit Arang.